Photogallery - Roots of Stone Association *
ITALIY - Perugia |
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Perugia. Etruscan arch or "Augustus". A view from the terrace of Palazzo Gallenga Stuart, home of the University for Foreigners. |
The presence of high institution emphasizes the universal character of the historic and artistic monument. Roots rock, today, it even beats to ensure this cultural context unique to the world the most appropriate setting. A good restoration of the arch, the easing or removal of traffic and a new square by the breath caught and internationally could guarantee the memorial and the city, the presence of much more high profile it deserves in the international circuits and which is now tarnished. |
2. |
Perugia. Etruscan arch or "Augustus". A view from the helicopter on the extraordinary context of the square Grimana. |
Roots rock always strives for the enhancement and restoration science Etruscan Arch. After many years of impassioned appeals (and unheard), some fragments fallen from the arch of the bow and lighted the availability of private entrepreneurship propiziarne responsible were able to start. We commend it, of course, even if we do not understand, frankly, the absence of roots at the table of debate. |
3. |
Perugia. Perimeter of the Etruscan walls. |
The plan summarizes the substantial integrity of the track Etruscan and Roman underlying its practical vocation to become a real path of the wall. Or, rather, of the Park walls, given the unique location and caliber of the environmental, historic and monumental crosses. (See chart in projects.) |
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Maalula, Syria. The Monastery of Santa Tecla seen from the top of the homonymous gorge. |
Roots of stone has already begun, with the Syrian government, the redevelopment of this extraordinary city which from its altitude of 1600 meters and is still very old evidence, in fact, the last enclave where they still speak Aramaic . Roots of rock and Prof. Dougmann Mouaffak University of Damascus are considering, on behalf of the Rif, with authoritative representatives of UNESCO, when proposing the Nomination and entry into the World Heritage Site. (See chart in projects.) |
2. |
Palmira, Sirya. |
The archaeological view from the medieval fortress located on high ground overlooking the valley. Government has started a table, at which roots rock, along with scholars of the Ministry and Damascus University, was invited to address the issue no longer be postponed Conservation and Enhancement of Palmyra, as well as Bosra. (See chart in projects.) To Palmyra, the theme is the development of a convincing methodology to protect the finds from the environment very critical for their museum display and any actions anastylosis and repositioning, as well as for review the accommodation of the entire archaeological area. |
3. |
Bosra, Sirya. The extraordinary in the auditorium of the Roman theater. |
Bosra, the interest of the table mentioned above, converges on the perimeter of the archaeological area, the safety of the many critical situations static and conservative of the immense and varied architectural heritage and a comprehensive plan that ensures the restoration of Syrian town an enhancement that is not confined, as now, to the Theatre. (See chart in projects.) |
4. |
Ugarit, Sirya. The monumental gate of the second millennium. C. and the walls still covered in the form of embankment. |
Roots of stone will not cease to cry out his call for the preservation of the immense wealth of Ugarit, which is literally crumbling and abandoned nell'incuria. Yet, in our opinion, there is much that we are born. (See details in regard to projects and the letter of heartfelt roots stone to the then Ambassador of Syria in Italy Dr. Samir El Kassir in subfolder Institutional Relations.)
5. |
Jable, Sirya. The Roman Theatre. |
A special case is the question of the Roman theater in Jable. Roots of rock stress Tisheerin University of Latakia and the City of Jable was named to the board of conciliation for the enhancement of the theater. Here, indeed, one is faced with a problem far more widespread and critical. It was of Conservation, in fact, the entire historical center, where the port Phoenician, Hellenistic, and the medieval quarter, as well as the theater, have been heavily facts of modern indiscriminate aggression. (See details in regard to projects and the letter to Ambassador of Syria Dr. Samir El Kassir in Italy, cited above.) |
6. |
Damasco, Sirya. The Roman walls. The section is facing the Quarter medieval roots of stone defended with all his might. |
With this city and its Roman roots of stone walls, together with the Municipality of Perugia, has signed two Memoranda of Understanding. The goal is to transfer to Damascus experience of reasoning, of thinking and methodologies that Perugia was able to bring about its walls. A further demonstration, if it were necessary, that the method of Perugia - on the need to set the course content and failure to "dialogue" between ancient and modern - not only is applicable to virtually all of the existing walled cities in the world, but is able to provide concrete answers to an overwhelming need for the exchange of values between these two souls of the city. The city walls, in short, seen as a possible "bridge" through which cross time and space in search of the welding of that identity values between the ancient and the modern, almost always struggling to make headway. (In this respect refer to the card and letter, cited above.) |
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Marvao, Portugal. |
Roots of rock here has had the honor of an early baptism in the application of this beautiful walled town in the Portuguese heritage of UNESCO. On that occasion he brought his contribution to reflection on conceptual cornerstones through which to conceive of a serious program of enhancement that takes into account the limitations due to the isolation of the place and the scarcity of productive resources and strategic able to boost its economy. Factors that need a broader plan that, looking over the whole country and the geographical, environmental and historical, are able to create a platform of opportunities that can permanently intercept the public interest, not only that, while very high, resulting from culture. |
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Durazzo, Albania. |
A tangible sign of enlightened desire for redemption is the cultural commitment of the Municipality of Durres and the Albanian Ministry of Culture to promote the Restoration and Enhancement of a monument and an archaeological site in the heart of spendable still a city that is rapidly growing. Roots, in charge of the matter from their own institutions, plans to leverage the awareness of international culture and related resources throughout the project to ensure the visibility it deserves and to the city to regain the highest levels of "spendable" cultural, social and economic that and redevelopment of such a virtuous commitment foreshadowed. (See chart in projects.) |
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Cernica, Romania. |
Very complex issue at least two respects: the technical, due to the relentless presence of the lake on which the complex is built, and the philological and methodological questions that require reflection and a subsequent review of the restorative hitherto led. Great is the confidence of roots rock in the possibility of giving effect to an exemplary restoration, given the knowledge, foresight, and the cultural openness of the Patriarchate of Romania, determined to try not to break up a wealth of art and history of primary importance. |
* A more detailed account, not only in the tabs in the Projects section, is inserted in the book "Roots of stone. The voice of the voiceless - an excursion to discover landmarks endangered". |