Program - Roots of Stone Association
- "The Etruscan walls of Perugia - Heritage of UNESCO." - LIVE THE VILLAGE Association. Perugia, Corso Garibaldi, 12 February 2011.
- "S. Herculaneum. The Martyr of the Walls. Perugia ", Church of S. Ercolano, March 5, 2011.
- Campaign support for the candidacy of Etruscan walls of Perugia UNESCO World Heritage. Awareness and collecting signatures. Hemisphere, Perugia, 16-23 April 2011.
- "Exchange of good practices at national and transnational context of the Development and Redevelopment of urban sites with high value and historical archeology."
Umbria Region - Study Visit of the path of the Etruscan walls of Perugia. Perugia in May 2011.
- "Symbolism and conservation." Conference "The restoration of historic architecture: motivation and operational ideas." Ministry of Culture of Romania, National Museum of Popular Traditions, Bucharest, June 9, 2011.
- "Exchange of good practices at national and transnational context of the Development and Redevelopment of urban sites with high value and historical archeology."
Umbria Region - Study Visit of the underground path of Etruscan walls in the Cathedral of St. Lorenzo di Perugia. Perugia in July 2011.
- "Trakking Etruscan roots rock with the Association.". September 11, 2011, Perugia
- "The Urban Park Etruscan walls - opportunity to be seized or urban legend?".. Inauguration of the Academic of the Academy of Donca. Perugia, Morley Theatre, October 3, 2011.
- "The walls of Etruscan Perugia - Nomination to World Heritage." Lions Club Perugia Concordia, Volumnia and Augusta Perusia Counttry The Hill House, Perugia October 8, 2011.
- "The boundary of the sacred - Etruscan walls and doors of Perugia.". Conversation with Michele Scales. Association Porta Santa Susanna, Perugia, 11 November 2011.
- "The Etruscan walls of Perugia, forge multidisciplinary experiences." In "POR Umbria ESF 2007 - 2013 Interregional Project - Transnational. Interventions training and promotion related to the enhancement and recovery of archaeological and historical areas."
Organised by the European Union, European Social Fund, the Italian Republic, Region of Umbria, Umbria PORFSE - Regional Operational Programme, AUR Umbria Research Agency, Association of roots rock. Perugia 2011.
- September 5, 2011
Velimna 2011 "10 years with the Etruscans" (PDF 4.6 Mb)
After the interesting prologue Velimna 2011 that saw the Etruscans of the river parade Saturday in c.so Vannucci greeted by Mayor Wladimiro mugs, then the "Etruscan Walk" on Sunday morning and the beginning of "impromptu painting" today Monday September 5. Tomorrow, Tuesday September 6 will finally officially made Velimna 2011 "10 YEARS WITH THE Etruscans." Here the whole program of the event.